Ideas and images relating to Public Art, Graphics and Photography among other things.
Public Art Work Etched Glass Mural for the Trade and Enterprise Council This is a large wall mounted etched glass mural done for the boardroom of the Trade and Enterprise Council. It is 144″ x 60″ and consists of 3 panels individually prepared and etched with acid. The frame is made from American light oak … Continue reading
All things Graphic….. This is perhaps where a lot of the overlap between disciplines within my work tends to sit, blurring the divide between Art and Graphics as well as Art and Technology. Anyway, here is an example – a laser cut maze game idea.
This Photography page is under development at the moment, with contributions via both my iPhone and a Canon 5D mkii DSLR. I am an artist who grew up using 35mm film photography whilst learning how to draw and paint. Nowadays I try to understand and adapt to everything that digital images make possible, (whilst still learning how … Continue reading